Wednesday, 2 May 2012


Oh, hi guys, long time no see. Me? Oh, I see, you think I've been off having fun and carousing with my playmates. No, what actually happened is that I was dying of boredom, languishing away in  a corner of my room, staring blankly of the pages of my textbooks. 'How?' You ask. Maybe even 'Why?'. Well, I'll tell you. I'm bored. I am soooo bored and, if it pleases the court, I'd like to go home now please.

I was briefly revitalised by a city break Serrena and I took to Beijing [you know how I love those city breaks]. It was completely spur of the moment, not mention on school days, and was really nice mainly because I wasn't in Dalian.

Dalian's just really dry at the moment, literally and figuratively. It got the rain out of its system over two days and it's well on its way to Summer, but there really is not anything to do here. For me anyway. I'm not teaching English, I'm not involved in any sort of activities [except for calligraphy, once a week for one hour] and, to be blunt, there are no mans. Unless you're into that whole 50-year-old-english-teacher-with-no-direction-and-a-few-too-many-trips-to-the-'massage'-parlour thing.

Don't get me wrong, I've got a sh- load of worky-work to do and, as I'm fast approaching my final year, have to start planning my life [surprisingly stressful, see next post for more info]. But this. is. what. is. boring. Maybe if I was in a more exciting city or got to move in my second semester I would still have some interest in my life in China. But Dalian has nothing. Seriously, I don't know how people have been here for 3 years, even 7! Just teaching English! I'm dying, basically, and that is why I haven't written anything in a while. Because nothing has happened. At all.

So be prepared for the next however many posts to be long rants about my life, cause that's all there is kids. You'll regret asking me to update my blog.

Oh, and as an end note, I'm not just restarting my blog because Sarah has got back to Germany and started hers up again...[]...Seriously...I was receiving complaints.


1 comment:

  1. Haha just copying me now :). But I am also bored, this year abroad nonsense is getting old now, we could swap but not sure my Chinese knowledge will get me anywhere.xx
