Look at that title, you know you love it.
The day I arrived it was 9 o'clock before I got settled and I was far too tired to even move so I went straight to sleep after having booked my tour to the 兵马俑 【bingmayong,Terracotta Warriors 】. I woke up with a full cold but determined nonetheless [seriously I've been ill like 7 times since I got to China]. Looking probably as ill as I felt, I set out with my guide and, obviously, two handsome German guys. They were nice, good German humour, and the guide was lovely and gave us many a history lesson as well as a lesson on 西安话【xi'an hua, Xi'an dialect】which was just far too difficult and will never be remembered nor used by myself.
The Warriors themselves were interesting, but not overwhelming - they are just statues after all. The whole place is really interesting though, and I definitely recommend going, especially with a tour guide, otherwise all you're gonna see is a lot of holes in the ground. After that we were treated to some local food, which was very nice, and were then taken home where I took a nap after a long morning. I hope you guys are enjoying the story of my life - I'll try and intersperse it with some pictures.
Saving up my shopping and the famous Muslim Quarter for day 2, I decided to take an evening ramble to a park that I found on my map, not too far from the hostel. It turned out to be beautiful - Dalian is a very modern city with no ancient sites or generally picturesque locations just lying about, so I'm probably exaggerating slightly, but it was still nice. Afterwards, I went to a local restaurant, instead of eating at the hostel like a real 外国人【waiguoren, foreigner, she says sitting at the bar using the free Wifi. After confirming the fact that I was, indeed, not Indian, I got recommended some splendid local food and then returned home.
All in all a pleasant first day on holiday. Alone. Let's just hope it stays this way.
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